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The Extraordinary Lives of ELIZABETH POSTHUMA GWILLIM & JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE by Ann Gwillim Parker

Published by Whitchurch Church Council and available from books@the-gwillim-simcoe-story.org.uk

Price £3.00 + postage

I.S.B.N. 0-9547535-0-X

Cover of Parker book

Cover of Fryer book


Elizabeth Postuma Simcoe, A Biography by Mary Beacock Fryer

Published by Dundurn Press, Toronto and Oxford

Available in the U.K. from Gazelle Book Services Ltd.,
White Cross Mills,
LA1 4XS Tel: +44 (0)1524-68765

I.S.B.N. 1-55002-063-3 (bound)
1-55002-064-1 (paperback)


Various Websites (accuracy of information not guaranteed)

A photographic tour of Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire and the Wye Valley,
This is a Website with information about the Whitchurch and South Herefordshire area